Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Women's Health: Infertility <\3

Morning! Let's try this again. Wrote this yesterday and it got erased :( But this time I'll get straight to the point. I am expecting some GLA (omega6) from Shaklee any day in the mail. It regulates, balances hormones and helps with pesky bloating and headaches...which I experience around the time Aunt Flow pays me a visit. So I got to thinking about it and wondered what else this supplement can do for your body. I knew if I searched a while I could find something and I came upon a few amazing testimonies. Two of which mentioned how it was used to overcome infertility. There are so many questions about why certain women have problems with this and why others do not. Doctors can't even explain this. Even this to me, seems so unfair. There a lot of contributing factors in the equation. The good news is, hope lies in the ability to identify and address those factors that are most prominent. Here, just read the Leschke Family's story. Be encouraged.

Six months after our wedding Scott and I decided to start our family. What was expected to be a simple goal became our most difficult life challenge. The next seven years were filled with tests, procedures, surgeries and disappointment. Finally we were blessed with a pregnancy with in vitro fertilization. Miranda, our million dollar baby changed our lives dramatically. A few weeks after her birth, I was inspired to remove all the toxic cleaners from my home. That's how I became interested in Shaklee. What a change it made in our lives. We listened to a tape on infertility and Shaklee products and decided to explore this route for our second child. We BOTH began supplementing with Shaklee's Vita-Lea, B-Complex, Vita-C, Vita-E, Zinc and Energizing Protein. 

We also made a few dietary changes: no dairy, organic when possible and hormone-free meat. When Miranda was 21 months old I learned I was pregnant again. Oh Happy Day! This pregnancy only required feeding our bodies the necessary nutrition to do what bodies are intended to do--conceive and grow a healthy baby. I had a terrific pregnancy, no nausea or complications. Kellen, now 3 1/2 is the healthiest, happiest boy I know. Both children use Shaklee nutrition and have never needed medication or antibiotics. The average child goes to the doctor 15 times a year! Shaklee keeps my children healthy and "drug free".I suggest you clean up your home by removing all toxic products and use the best nutritional supplements you can buy, SHAKLEE! I believe the years of heartache and medical procedures could have been avoided with the simple, easy addition of Shaklee to our diets and our lives. –B. Leschke

According to Dr.Shaklee, if you give the body what it needs "...it will heal itself." Perhaps Shaklee had nothing to do with this miracle. Maybe throwing away your toxic cleaners and changing certain lifestyle habits don't matter. I however believe, that by offering the purest, most potent supply of nutrients, Shaklee had everything to do with naturally preparing Mrs. Leschke's womb, and others to conceive and carry a child full term. The debate on whether healthy eaters need to supplement their diet or not, will always be up in the air. But it's quite apparent to me that some women have tried everything and only ended up with heartache. I'm not a doctor, but time and time again I've listened and read about changed lives, and that says it all. If you or someone you know has experienced the pain of infertility or the devastation of miscarriage, and aren't ready to give-in, its time to take a closer look at what's really happening in your body. For some it will be as easy as adding or subtracting something in your diet. For others with more serious female conditions, this may be a call for a total lifestyle makeover, but it will be worth it in the end. I may not know your pain, but I do know there is help for you. Don't lose hope. Please leave your thoughts and concerns below <3

:Here's to double for your trouble::

1 comment:

  1. I love this post!! Pray that I can get Benji fully on board with this... He is a skeptic :]
