Friday, August 10, 2012

Hey everyone - I've been gone awhile - but I'm back :) I've learned quite a bit in my absence. I don't think I could ever stop typing if I actually tried to write about it. One thing is for sure. I am even more excited about living my life with a purpose, on purpose. Improving myself, my home and my family's quality of life all-together, is at the very top of my list. And I plan to have fun doing it. Perhaps I'll paint my living room and hang some family photos :) On top of working on my own book I plan to finish three books by fantastic authors like Os Hillman and my favorite motivational speaker Dani Johnson.  In addition I am thrilled about discovering creative ways to take better care of people! This included my relationships.

I haven't had a chance to as much as crack its spine, but Os Hillman's book Change Agent, couldn't be a more timely read for me. As a stay-at-home mom, its easy to feel untouchable and even trapped at times. But my eyes have been opened. Sometimes our humble state, no matter where we may be in life, is what causes us to rise up and BE THE CHANGE. So the simple fact that you actually noticed a need, proves that you are part of the solution to the equation. Follow?

Lately i can't help but think there is a new mom somewhere who is overwhelmed and isolated. Looking back, i have a great amount of compassion for this situation, because i know what its like. Having a baby is a major deal! Postpartum and baby blues are a very real thing and no one should have to go through such a life change feeling alone. I have a big dream to give these mothers a place to relax and relate with other mothers. And I believe God will make it happen. Primarily because I know He is responsible for putting the dream in my heart. Many parents struggle with caring for children with special needs. This is also a wellknown crisis in our world today. These people deserve to know that there is help and nutritional hope for their family. I've seen it time after time. Children who doctors said would never be able to communicate are now thriving because they were willing to try again- quite possibly a completely different approach. Then we have others who don't "need" anything. They are completely financially stable, but are bedridden or suffer daily from their condition. These people want nothing but their health back so they can enjoy their families.

The truth is, a certain level of resistance had been badgering me, attempting to make me give up on the idea of helping anyone.  I can only imagine it was so i would take on a bitter approach. So that I might respond to rejection in defeat, instead of my natural inclination of love and compassion for people in need. Anyway-  it didn't work. I love people too much to stop telling the truth or giving them the aid that the lack. In reality, we live in a broken world. If its my role to play the band-aid, then so be it. My prayer is that I be a great help to those that need and desire change. I'm reminded of Jesus, who came not for the well, but the sick. That's good enough for me <3

God Bless.